Customer Service: 805.200.5500

A Life Lived... in High-Performance
Integrity… Ray brings integrity to automotive high-performance building and tuning. His experience spans decades. Through the qualities of being highly skilled, honest and having strong ethical principles to his work, Ray has earned respect throughout the world as a car builder and tuner.
With an unflinching commitment to perfecting his work, his skills are sought out by race car drivers, hard-core pro-street enthusiast and celebrities. Ray’s work has appeared at SEMA, on the covers of countless automotive magazines worldwide, and he’s been featured on a number of recognized television programs and radio programs. And yes, Ray provides service with skill and humility to regular street enthusiasts; if you’re into high-performance you’re welcome at Full Throttle Kustomz.
- Decades in Building & Tuning High-Performance Cars
- Respected by Renowned Car Builders
- Worldwide Magazine Article Presence
- Television Program & Radio Appearances
- Multiple year's Entries in SEMA
- Thousands of Cars with Numerous Awards Earned

Ray McClelland - Radio Program Guest; Turbo - Shop Enforcer; With Award Winning Cobra
Bring Your Car or Vision to Full Throttle Kustomz
We Deliver performance. We’ll see you at the shop.